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Perth's paediatric directory

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Icon of a doctor wearing a cape like a superhero and with a stethescope around their neck. With the word Paediatricians written below.
An icon showing two people with their arms around each other as friends with the word friendships written underneath.

Perth – North of the River

Perth – South of the River

Great Southern, Western Australia

Telehealth Services

Inclusive programs, activities as well as training, workshops and conferences.

Free Resources

If your kiddo is feeling anxious about the transition back to school, then check out these free resources and templates.

A nine page guide to fast tracking teacher handover for your child.  Lots of very practical tips from Perth’s child development experts.

The one-page handover, designed to fast track handover with a new teacher.  Pre-filled with accommodation for a primary-aged student with Developomental Coordination Disorder.

You will need a free Canva account to edit.

Support strategies for pda students

Collated by Perth’s amazing Heidi Brandis and gratefully shared with us, this free “cheat sheet” for educators summarises helpful tips and strategies for supporting PDA students at school.

hi, i'm pia

I got sick of seeing families struggling with waitlists and confusing information. So I built this.

Perth wife & Mum of two gorgeous curly haired kiddos.  

We have seen (seemingly) every kind of paediatric specialist and allied health professional in Perth since our eldest child was born with a congenital heart defect.  

In 2021 I started sharing lists of paediatricians and therapists with no waitlists to help stressed families out.  

It’s grown into Perth Kids Hub, an online platform connecting families with therapists and doctors. 

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kind words

"Biggest thank you for the wonderful resources you have created – as a mother trying to get an ADHD assessment finalised it meant so much to read your kind approach and hear your practical advice."

— donna

Text message that reads: Hi Pia with a pink love heart, Thank you SO much for sharing the info on Dokotela with us! Because of you, we've been able to get our 14 year old not only on a waitlist, but then a appt within a few days! He's now started medication a couple of days ago for tics and today, for inattentive ADHD. I honestly can't thank you enough.

Latest news

10,000 WA kids wait two years to see a paediatrician
You don’t need to fly interstate to see a paediatrician
Is it ADHD? Rule these conditions out first
15 minutes and $5 to screen for ADHD, autism, anxiety, PTSD, dyslexia and more: a review of the PsychProfiler screening tool
More children than ever are struggling with developmental concerns. We need to help families connect and thrive.
Is it anxiety or ADHD, or both? How to tell the difference and why it matters
The Vyvanse shortage: what to do if you can’t get your meds