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Who Can Help?

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ADHD Coaches

Allied Health Practitioners

Paediatricians & Psychiatrists

What's On

Latest News

Is it ADHD? Rule these conditions out first
15 minutes and $5 to screen for ADHD, autism, anxiety, PTSD, dyslexia and more: a review of the PsychProfiler screening tool
More children than ever are struggling with developmental concerns. We need to help families connect and thrive.
Is it anxiety or ADHD, or both? How to tell the difference and why it matters
The Vyvanse shortage: what to do if you can’t get your meds
Why you need to know about conditions that often show up with ADHD

Resources to help

Written by Perth ADHD advocate, PhD Candidate, Mum and all-round superwoman Lou Brown this guide takes the Australian evidence-based clinical practice guideline for ADHD and translates it to plain English.

Want to learn more about ADHD?  Check out this YouTube channel for all things ADHD.   Jessica shares all the strategies she’s learned about having and living with ADHD. It’s also grown into an amazing community of brains (and hearts!) who support and help each other. Anyone looking to learn more about ADHD is welcome here!

An AADPA webinar by Perth’s Lou Brown and Dr Kelly Fullarton discussing current myths and misconceptions about Specific Learning Disorders.

Useful Websites

For practical tips

US-based but up-to-date and easy to read resources for parents, webinars, podcasts, magazine and screening tools.

For resources

Huge range of resources from this US-based charity that supports those who learn and think differently.

For advice

A paid membership is required to access most content and benefits including assessments, peer support groups, training and group programs.

For resources

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a US-based organisation with lots of resources to help understand ADHD.

For parents

Perth’s own Lou Brown has developed a wonderful website filled with tips for parents on understanding ADHD, diagnosis and treatment.  

More coming …