Dyslexia is a Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Reading.
Screening tools are not diagnostic tools. They can’t replace consultation with a professional, but can help you work out whether targeted intervention or further assessment is required.
Free screening tools to check out are:
Dyslexia Pre-Screener for Ages 5-7 years
This free screener by UK-based Nessy Learning can be used for early identification of dyslexia as this is when help is most effective.
Auspeld Next Steps Screening Tool
This screening tool can help parents make decisions about appropriate ways to support their chld with possible learning difficulties. Although online screening tools cannot provide a formal diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disorder such as Dyslexia, this tool can provide advice on what to do next.
To receive a formal diagnosis for a Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), the child must have received a minimum of six months of intervention first.
Ask the school if they can provide this. If they won’t then you can do it yourself at home or pay for a tutor.
You could use something like Nessy, they have online programs for reading and maths. Whatever option you choose, make sure the intervention covers all of the academic areas you’re concerned about.
Some providers will do an initial assessment and provide an opinion on what’s could be going on, but they can’t give an official diagnosis without the intervention.
Some will pro rata the fee between the initial assessment and then that after the intervention has been completed. This can be helpful where you are not sure what the issue is that is causing challenges with learning at school and allow you to target the six months of intervention.
After six months of targeted intervention you will then need to see a psychologist for an educational assessment.
If waitlists are long in your area, then put your name down on waiting lists but don’t do the assessment until you’ve completed six months of intervention.
Most schools will have a psychologist who services them and you can ask if they can complete a cognitive assessment. In most cases though they are very stretched and won’t be able to provide this individual level of support.
DSF are great and many consider them the “gold standard” for assessments and reports, BUT their waitlist is about 12-18 months.
They do often have cancellations and many families get in much earlier than their waitlist suggests. But you need to pay the deposit, send back all of your paperwork and be flexible if appointments come up.
Some families have found having a one off consult with DSF has been helpful while they are on the waiting list.
Universities often offer affordable assessments for SLDs and ADHD at their psychology clinics. This includes the Robin Winkler Clinic at UWA.
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Perth Kids Hub is created in Boorloo (Perth) on the land of the Whadjuk Noongar people. I acknowledge the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and culture. I pay my respects to all Aboriginal peoples; Elders past, present and emerging.