Industry News & Member Updates

November News: Perth Paeds People Moves & Industry News

  • Perth Paeds People Moves
  • Paeds Industry News
  • WA Wins at Allied Health Awards
  • Source Kids Disability Expo
  • Albany Assessment Clinic
  • Parents for the Inclusion of Neurodivergent Children
  • Jobs Board
  • What’s On
  • Podcast Feature
Click here to read this newsletter that is sent to Perth Kids Hub members (those wonderful businessses who support this website through their paid listings – thank you!).

Make your listing stand out

One of the most common questions I get – how do I make my listing stand out from others?   Listings are sorted in order of the date they were last updated.   

When you update your listing it will pop back to the top of listings in your category and onto the front page helping you get more eyeballs on your business.  So don’t just list and forget otherwise your listing will be lost under new or more up-to-date listings.
Photos and video.  Good quality photos of your staff, what you do and where you do it really helps families when they are choosing a service and wondering if you are going to be a good fit for them and their child.  
You can record a short intro video on your iPhone and share it with me to add to your listing.  Or if you hate being on camera that much, what about recording a walk through of your premises?

Member Updates

Make your listing stand out

One of the most common questions I get – how do I make my listing stand out from others?   Listings are sorted in order of the date they were last updated.   

When you update your listing it will pop back to the top of listings in your category and onto the front page helping you get more eyeballs on your business.  So don’t just list and forget otherwise your listing will be lost under new or more up-to-date listings.
Photos and video.  Good quality photos of your staff, what you do and where you do it really helps families when they are choosing a service and wondering if you are going to be a good fit for them and their child.  
You can record a short intro video on your iPhone and share it with me to add to your listing.  Or if you hate being on camera that much, what about recording a walk through of your premises?

Changes to listings

I am constantly trying to make it easier for families to find the services they need and testing options on the website.  I welcome any feedback or suggestions you have to make it even more user friendly.  I have made some recent updates that will impact your listings – especially if you are a psychologist, occupational therapist or speech pathologist.

Additional Assessments Listed

Additional assessments listed

New assessment categories have been added based on feedback from families, schools and providers. 
If you provide any of these assessments please go into your listing and update it to make sure your listing appears for the services you provide as your listing will not be automatically updated:  
  • Assessment – ADHD
  • Assessment – Autism
  • Assessment – Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
  • Assessment – Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
  • Assessment – Driving and rehabilitation
  • Assessment – Dyscalculia (SLD in Mathematics)
  • Assessment – Dysgraphia (SLD in Written Expression)
  • Assessment – Dyslexia (SLD in Reading)
  • Assessment – Functional Capacity
  • Assessment – Giftedness
  • Assessment – Intellectual Disability
  • Assessment – Language Development Centre Referrals
  • Assessment – Motor Dysgraphia
  • Assessment – SCSA
  • Assessments – Educational and Cognitive

This is not meant to be a definitive list of all of the assessments that providers can provide – just those that families are commonly searching for.  If there is an assessment that you know families are looking for regularly this will be considered upon request.  Just email me with your request.

New Psychologist categories added 
NDIS will accept autism assessments completed by psychologists with an endorsement in clinical psychology, neuropsychology or educational and developmental psychology. 
While I know this is a contentious issue in the psychology profession it does provide families with options outside of the bottleneck of referrals to paediatricians and psychiatrists. 
To assist families with their searches the below categories have now been added. 
If these apply to you, please update your listing, otherwise “Psychologist” will be selected as the default option.
  • Psychologist [Default option and can be used for registered and provisional psychologists]
  • Psychologist – Clinical Psychology
  • Psychologist – Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Psychologist – Educational & Developmental Psychology
Waitlist option added
Providers can now choose “Waitlist” for their availability updates with this added to the current options of “Availability” and “Books closed”. 
Thanks so much to Hayley from Whale Shark Occupational Therapy Services for this suggestion.  If there are any options you would like to request simply email me and I’ll let you know if they are possible.

Based on feedback the concerns and conditions listed below have been added to help families find providers with expertise in these.  If you have expertise in any of these areas then please update your listing so you can be found in more searches.

  • Toe walking
  • You can see the full list of concerns and conditions available when you log into your account to update your listing.  

    This is the full list of concerns and conditions currently on Perth Kids Hub where you can select your areas of expertise: [currently being updated]

    Suggestions and feedback

    What would you like to see made easier, improved or added to Perth Kids Hub?

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