Availability updates
Dr Andrew will now be offering Telehealth Appointments to Country Patients. Andrew has always been concerned with the lack of opportunities for Country Patients to access Developmental Paediatric Appointments, especially in a timely manner. We will be offering Telehealth Appointments to WA families that reside outside of Perth and Mandurah. We will be starting the WA Country Telehealth Appointments in February. If families would like more information they can contact us on a separate email – drandrewsaveryrural@outlook.com (updated 29 January 2025)
Over the last month we have been inundated with referrals. Dr Savery is working as hard as possible to see as many people as possible. At this time, we have come to the tough decision to close our books. If you are still looking for a paediatrician in July 2025, please contact us again. (Updated 26 August 2024)
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