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Regulation before education

5 April @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Regulation before Education!!

Are you in a role that requires you to support the healthy development & learning of children?

Then, you also probably know children who:
😣 find it hard to adapt their emotions appropriately to the situation?
😡 regularly have highly emotional reactions to things that upset them?
🤯 find it difficult to calm down when they get upset?
🫣 find it hard to adjust to change?

Are you thinking that more children exhibit the above & more regularly? You are not alone!

Dysregulated children find day to day life, including learning, very challenging.

During this workshop, we are going to take a step back from curriculum requirements, developmental milestones and educational/therapy goals…

To take a moment to breathe & relax in a beautiful, natural environment and calm our nervous systems. 🧘 💚

Then let’s talk about the importance of REGULATION BEFORE EDUCATION!

We will explore:

  • regulation theory
  • why it seems more important now than ever
  • the invaluable role of the outdoors, movement, play and connection in regulation
  • practical ideas and next steps.


  • Understand regulation theory and the impact of the modern world on children’s social-emotional development
  • Gain a better understanding of the invaluable role of play, movement, outdoors and connection on regulation and readiness to learn.
  • Increase knowledge and confidence in practical tools, activities and strategies to support co-regulation & self regulation as the foundation for readiness to learn.
  • Develop a contextualised action plan outlining your ‘next steps’ to enhancing play, movement, time outdoors and connection opportunities in your service/school/centre to support regulation.


Piney Lakes Environmental Centre
555 Leach Hwy
Winthrop, WA 6150 Australia
+ Google Map
(08) 9364 0791
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