Psychologists can assess for ADHD along with other common co-occurring conditions such as Dyslexia, Dsygraphia and Dyscalculia.
They complete comprehensive assessments and provide detailed reports with recommendations for supporting your child at home and school.
These reports can help you understand your child’s strengths and areas that may require additional support such as time management, getting started on or finishing a task or considering consequences of an action.
Reports can be helpful in requesting reasonable adjustments for the school environment and assessments.
Psychologists cannot prescribe medication.
If you wish to explore medication options for ADHD you will need to see either a paediatrician or a child and adolescent psychiatrist.
Wait lists are extremely long in both the public and private systems. You can read more on availability of paediatricians here.
Perth Kids Hub is your online guide to Perth’s *amazing* paediatric therapists, specialists, educators and schools who support kids & teens who learn, think or develop differently.
Perth Kids Hub is created in Boorloo (Perth) on the land of the Whadjuk Noongar people. I acknowledge the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and culture. I pay my respects to all Aboriginal peoples; Elders past, present and emerging.